Kenobi Mini Honest Review

Episode 1

I don’t really have much to say, I spent the whole episode just in awe of actually seeing Ewan McGregor play Obi Wan once again, something I thought we would never see. We got a good introduction to the inquisitors and Leia so it was a solid episode altogether.

Best Bit: Seeing Obi Wan again

Worst Bit: The horrible chase sequence in the forest


Episode 2

I was not too sure on this one. I found Leia particularly annoying in the episode especially during another terrible chase sequence. People didn’t seem to like Reva’s moves when going after Kenobi…I found them pretty cool. My biggest gripe is killing of the Grand Inquisitor so early. I was loving Rupert Friend’s performance and the small changes to his look made him more menacing. It’s sad to see his character put on the sidelines to make way for a weaker character, not saying I don’t like Reva, it’s just I think the Grand Inquisitor was more menacing and was a more believable threat. I enjoyed Haja, he was quite humorous but I was surprised that Reva did not kill him for wasting her time as she came off as quite ruthless from the previous episode. The transition from Kenobi’s face to Vader in the bacta tank was hard.

Best Bit: Kenobi finds out the truth about his former apprentice

Worst Bit: Grand Inquisitor death


Episode 3

I really enjoyed this episode mainly due to Vader. I liked the Hayden Christensen appearance as well, it’s great to see him return to the franchise. The MVP of the episode was the Sith lord himself Darth Vader who shows how brutal he can be, choking and dragging anyone in site. An epic duel occurred with the former apprentice besting his master as it played out brilliantly, showcasing how rusty Kenobi is and the emotional torment of seeing his former pupil alive. Vader dragging Kenobi through the flames, giving him a taste of what Kenobi did to him was poetic. A few things didn’t sit right with me such as how did Reva beat Leia to the end of the tunnel without crossing paths? And I didn’t like how Kenobi was rescued, surely the troopers could have easily gunned them down or you know Vader walk through the fire in his fireproof suit.

Best Bit:Vader vs Kenobi II

Worst Bit-The Ending

Rating: 8/10

Episode 4

After the heights of the previous episode oh my how this episode brings it down. As soon as Obi-Wan was put into the bacta tank you would have thought some kind of flashbacks to the clone wars were coming and although the parallels with Vader were cool they were not enough. Obi Wan brushes off life threatening injuries in mere minutes. It was awesome to see Fort Inquisitorius in live action but it was used terribly. The awful fight chorography continued, Obi Wan walks in front of some stormtroopers who apparently just don’t see him. Ben and Leia hiding in an awful disguise that none of the hundreds of troopers present recognise. The whole saved at the last minute cliché emerged, it was such a wasted episode that had such potential. Oh and don’t get me started on the runtime

Best Bit: Vader storming in and confronting Reva.

Worst Bit: The whole disguise sequence.


Episode 5

The best episode of the series arrives in the fifth instalment of Kenobi. Right off the bat we are gifted clone wars flashbacks in the form of a Obi-Wan & Anakin duel that had me pausing the screen just to take in Hayden Christiansen reprising his role as Anakin. Something I didn’t think we would see after Ep 4. We also had Vader being an absolute menace destroying ships ‘Force Unleashed’ style and defeating Reva with ease, using only the force. My boy the Grand Inquisitor also returned and his smug delivery was golden. My only gripe came again with the ending, why did Vader or even Grand Inquisitor not finish Reva off? Vader has killed for far less and it makes little sense in my eyes other than to set up a potential spin off something I cannot say I would not be interested in. Overall a great 40 minute piece of Star Wars content.

Best Bit: Vader vs Reva

Worst Bit: The battle scene between the rebels and stormtroopers was a bit clunky and more should have died considering how close they were together.


Episode 6

Episode 5 was the best episode until the finale arrived. From the start of the promotion of the series, Ewan Mcgregor said we are in for the rematch of the century and boy did we get it. An excellent back and forth with Obi Wan being the aggressor at times but in control but as we saw in the flashbacks once Vader got the upper hand he lost concentration leading to Obi Wan’s comeback and defeating his former apprentice again in another epic encounter. I absolutely loved it, the fight choreography, the planet, the dialogue was top notch and as a hardcore ROTS fan it really tug on the heart strings. Vader’s slashed mask making his voice changed between James and Hayden was a great touch, you could feel the hatred. Also loved the call-backs from “I will do what I must” and Obi Wan doing his trademark Jedi Stance. We also got cameos from the Emperor and QUI GON BLOODY JIN, his first appearance in 23 years. Just before he appeared I was thinking they had missed the mark not having Liam Neeson appear at all. The Luke sub plot was decent as well.

Note: Obi Wan hurling rocks at Vader just reminded me of the unlimited power scene from ROTS but instead of lighting we have rocks, I don’t know why 🙂

Best Bit: Obi Wan vs Vader III

Worst Bit: I’m not too sure to be honest I guess the ending was a bit dragged out I guess?


Overall Kenobi was never going to surpass my impossible expectations. The series had really high highs but also really low lows. Does this show need another season? No, the writers were treading really thin lines with Star Wars canon already and everything has been wrapped up so hence no need. That’s not to say I wouldn’t watch it, I would be there in a heartbeat watching it on premiere day.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.